Single Node - proxmoxer.core.ResourceException: 401 Unauthorized: permission denied - invalid PVE ticket - b


Nov 13, 2019
Hi All,

I wonder if anyone can offer any advice on error - proxmoxer.core.ResourceException: 401 Unauthorized: permission denied - invalid PVE ticket - b

I'm getting this when trying to run an ansible playbook which is cloning a VM. The playbook looks like follows -

- name: Create VM on Proxmox
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
   - /etc/ansible/modules/vars.yml
   - name: vm_name
     prompt: Enter the name of the VM (i.e lab1, lab2, etc)
     private: no
    - set_fact:
        proxmox_host: "{{ proxmox_host }}"
        proxmox_user: "{{ proxmox_user }}"
        proxmox_pwd: "{{ proxmox_pwd }}"
        proxmox_node: "{{ proxmox_node }}"
    - community.general.proxmox_kvm:
        api_host: "{{ proxmox_host }}"
        api_user: "{{ proxmox_user }}"
        api_password: "{{ proxmox_pwd }}"
        node        : "{{ proxmox_node }}"
        clone       : template00 
        name        : "{{ vm_name }}" 
        storage     : local-storage
        format      : raw
        full        : true
        timeout     : 500

Have tried rebooting the PVE node, and ensured that time is in-sync, etc but to no avail.

Version: pve-manager/8.0.4

The annoying thing is I see in the PVE logs that the script is able to login successfully -

16:17:04 pve00 pvedaemon[1463]: <root@pam> successful auth for user 'root@pam'

It just crashes out at the task.


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