[SOLVED] single network interface with different wan ip for each vm


New Member
Sep 5, 2023
i have recently rent a server from a farm and i don't know how to set up the network in the correct way also i'm not use to pfsense; right now i have proxmox working and the web vm nat masquerade to the main ip wich work perfectly, but i need different ip on each vm also reason why i bought more from the host

what i have
  1. proxmox
    1. single network card (view the following ./interfaces config)
    2. with the ip
    3. web vm
      1. want to use ip
    4. sql vm
      1. want to use ip
  2. pfsense firewall
    1. with the ip
the base interface setting is:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface enp11s0 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports enp11s0
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0

can someone kindly explain me what's the correct way to configure it since every vm can take advantage of it's own ip?
tnks in advice

P.S. the ip i provide are made up but follow the exact schema of the original one

UPDATE: the network interface file was configured correctly infact linux vm's works like a charm, windows don't even a fresh install with the proxmox driver installed network still doesn't go up, from ipconfig appear that the ip is (Duplicate) but isn't infact if i turn on the linux vm it work perfectly
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I did this by using/creating separate VLANs. But my server is self hosted at home, so I control everything from the network connection down to the VM (so I can control the VLANs in the managed switch and the firewall rules in my pfSense device). Can you do this with your server hosting company? I am not sure how to do this any other way but it may be possible and just beyond my comprehension