Simple Network config


New Member
Jun 19, 2009
Hey guys, so I want a simple network config. I want to run few Virtual machines, and I have few IP addresses.

I have one physical eth port, and so I want every virtual box to have its own individual public IP address. What settings do I need in proxmox?


Just install a basic Proxmox VE and give the IP addresses you want to the VM´s. I suggest you put a firewall between the public internet and your Proxmox VE server.

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  1. read the documentation first (
  2. try to configure it by yourself
  3. if you got an issue, search the forum - most times you will find something similar
  4. if nothing helps, ask in the forum - provide details and log files and all relevant information, and always use the latest Proxmox VE version
  5. never ask again for the same issue like here - there is a reason why no one is answering ...