Thanks for the reply Thomas.
I guess I'm not quite qualified to interpret the journalctl -b output. There are a couple of statements mentioning a bug in the firmware. And then there's the in-and-out of promiscuous mode.
At the end there's quite a number of sessions being logged in and out. I figure some of the logouts is when my pve shell hangs (??).... very often I click on "Shell" and when the console comes up, I don't even get a chance to key a full command before it just hangs on me. Sometimes it comes back after half a minute to a minute. Other times I click on something else and then click back on "Shell" to start a new session.
CPU and Memory displayed in "top" is very low, CPU < 5% and memory < 1%
Curiously, though I can't confirm right now, it seems that as long as top is running, it doesn't hang.
Pressure is low too.
Appreciate it very much if you could take a look at the attached journalctl -b and pressure output.