Sharing a Folder in Synology for CT to store torrent file


New Member
Jun 6, 2023
I'm new to Proxmox and never use linux before so i dont get the whole point of it. Moreover English is not my mother tongue so please spare if i made some mistake here.

So here is the scenario i want to achive.

On Proxmox i have these 2 CTs: Transmission and Plex
On my Synology i have an NFS share folder called; ProxShare

What i want is on Transmission will download torrent and store it on ProxShare, then Plex will scan ProxShare to update the library for my media.

So far i successed to connect the NFS share from Synology to Promox, but i don't know how to make a mountpoint from the ProxShare to use in Tranmisison and Plex, If i tried to add it will turn that NFS share into some predefined store to store. So how do i do to achive what i want to achive?

#1: Shared folder on synology

on syno.png

#2 Succeded share NFS to Proxmox

Thanks in advance.
What i want to do next is to make that share folder available in CT 104, so i can edit transmission config file to save downloaded torrent into that folder which is located on Synology. I've been searching over the net for a few days and tried a few tutorials but none works so far :(
So after little digging i know i need to remap the uid/gid as im using unprivileged CT.

So after a while i successfully do the maping and here are the results:

#1: Permission for root of proxmox
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 10.52.35.png

#2: Permission on Container
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 10.53.26.png

#3: The share mountpoint
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 10.54.00.png

#4: Still i got error why try accessing it
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 10.54.46.png

What else should i try in this case? Please