Hi All,
Prelim info:
Proxmox Version: 8.09
Server: Dell R630
Storage: Pure storage
I am creating a new proxmox cluster to replace individual pve hosts. The servers are connecting to pure storage using lvm over iscsi.
I have connected the pure storage to the new cluster using a single volume. It is seen by the two test hosts, I was doing a test where I was tried to migrate a host from one PVE host to the other. When I did the migrate VM in the GUI it cloned the from vm-vmid-disk0 to vm-vmid-disk1. I thought the only thing the migration needed to do was move the VM "VMID.conf" to the second pve host as the storage was the same.
Is there something I am missing in the configuration of the pve host for sharing the storage so it does not clone the drive.
Thanks, All help is appreciated
Prelim info:
Proxmox Version: 8.09
Server: Dell R630
Storage: Pure storage
I am creating a new proxmox cluster to replace individual pve hosts. The servers are connecting to pure storage using lvm over iscsi.
I have connected the pure storage to the new cluster using a single volume. It is seen by the two test hosts, I was doing a test where I was tried to migrate a host from one PVE host to the other. When I did the migrate VM in the GUI it cloned the from vm-vmid-disk0 to vm-vmid-disk1. I thought the only thing the migration needed to do was move the VM "VMID.conf" to the second pve host as the storage was the same.
Is there something I am missing in the configuration of the pve host for sharing the storage so it does not clone the drive.
Thanks, All help is appreciated