Share external hard drive plugged in Proxmox over LAN


New Member
Feb 3, 2023
Hi guys,
I have an external hard drive that I use to host some files. Currently that drive is a mount point on the Proxmox host so its plugged by USB on my server.
All containers and VMs can access that drive, however I wanted to access that drive from my Laptop or even from every equipement connected on my LAN.
Is this possible?
@bbgeek17 but I have a question here ... i tend to access this drive on a raspberry pi so the IP to access the share should be the proxmox IP?
You have many options, and the answer depends on specifics of your situation. You said VMs and Containers access the drive, but you did not specify in what they. Do they just store image/root disk on the drive via PVE infrastructure? Access files there over file sharing protocol? Some sort of pass-through?

In general if you have a location on Linux server that contains files and you want to make those files available over network, you have two primary choices - NFS and CIFS. In case of PVE, you also have a choice of where that NFS/CIFS server will be running, ie directly on PVE or virtualized in Container or VM. Most people choose the virtualized route, as thats primary purpose of running PVE.

The optimal way for you is to try and experiment, thats the best path to learn new things.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -