Setup NFS share on Synology


New Member
Jul 12, 2024
I am trying to add NFS storage to my cluster. I am stuck with what to put in the "export" line.
I am following the instructions here

I named my storage.
I put in the IP address of the server.
When I click the dropdown for "Export" it flashes. When I try to get the path "as listed by pvesm nfsscan" from the shell on either host, I get errors.

root@pmx-01:~# pvesm nfsscan
400 not enough arguments
pvesm scan nfs <server>
root@pmx-01:~# pvesm nfsscan
clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered
command '/sbin/showmount --no-headers --exports' failed: exit code 1

What step and I missing?
You are not "missing" any steps, per say. There is a misconfiguration on your Synology and/or network. The RPC requests are not working, as evident by output of the "nfsscan". It could be a a checkmark in Synology GUI, it could be some firewall rule you implemented.

Unless you can run this command successfully /sbin/showmount --no-headers --exports you will continue to experience problems.
Since this is a basic Linux command, you will likely find more information on why it may be failing via Synology support channel.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
You are not "missing" any steps, per say. There is a misconfiguration on your Synology and/or network. The RPC requests are not working, as evident by output of the "nfsscan". It could be a a checkmark in Synology GUI, it could be some firewall rule you implemented.

Unless you can run this command successfully /sbin/showmount --no-headers --exports you will continue to experience problems.
Since this is a basic Linux command, you will likely find more information on why it may be failing via Synology support channel.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - is one of my Proxmox servers. I need to run this command on the Synology? Sorry, Linux as a whole is new to me, and trying to move non-production infrastructure to Proxmox before our VM Ware bill comes due.
"showmount" takes an IP of NFS server as an argument. If .93 is an IP of the PVE, rather than of Synology, then either you specified wrong IP in the scan, or you have duplicate IP on the network.
The command needs to be run on one of the PVE nodes _against_ your NAS IP.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
"showmount" takes an IP of NFS server as an argument. If .93 is an IP of the PVE, rather than of Synology, then either you specified wrong IP in the scan, or you have duplicate IP on the network.
The command needs to be run on one of the PVE nodes _against_ your NAS IP.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
OK, got it! error, but also, no output.
root@pmx-01:~# /sbin/showmount --no-headers --exports
root@pmx-01:~# pvesm nfsscan
The commands run, but give no result. A bit of trial and error (guesswork) and it looks like what I needed to do was put the "Mount Path" from the Synology share folder panel into the 'export' field. I am now able to set this as the folder for backup.
