Setup Backup Possibilities / Configurations


Feb 2, 2021
Hello All,

Is it possible to setup two different backup plans for a VM? as we can see below is my configuration

Because my local backup-pool is small compare to the current VM size I just want to back the OS into it locally with only two disks. and another backup to the Synology NAS including 4 disks.

May I know how this can be done or is it possible to do that!. I have tried and got failed because when I include all the disks to the backup got backup error on the Backup-pool due to not having enough space.

Thank you so much for your help in advance.

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You can use 2 different backup plans with different backup types/retentions using only one PBS but you would need to create two datastores for that. And deduplication won't work across datastores so backing up the same VM to two datastores basically means the VM consumes double the space on your backup drives. If your backup pool uses ZFS you could enable the ZFS native deduplication but this requires additional 5GB RAM per 1TB of backup storage (ARC needs to store the big deduplication tables) not a great option either, especially when PBS already does this ontop of ZFS so you deduplicate twice.

I really hope the Proxmox team will add some kind of grouping in the future so different backups tasks with different backup retentions can be used on the same dataset.
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I really hope the Proxmox team will add some kind of grouping in the future so different backups tasks with different backup retentions can be used on the same dataset.
I can't add enough +1's to this!
You can use 2 different backup plans with different backup types/retentions using only one PBS but you would need to create two datastores for that. And deduplication won't work across datastores so backing up the same VM to two datastores basically means the VM consumes double the space on your backup drives. If your backup pool uses ZFS you could enable the ZFS native deduplication but this requires additional 5GB RAM per 1TB of backup storage (ARC needs to store the big deduplication tables) not a great option either, especially when PBS already does this ontop of ZFS so you deduplicate twice.

I really hope the Proxmox team will add some kind of grouping in the future so different backups tasks with different backup retentions can be used on the same dataset.
But I am already using two datastores the local one is a ZFS and the second one it with PBS. the aim is not to have deduplication I just want o have a copy of the VM it self locally.

My problem is with the including and excluding disks into two different backup plans?