Set mainboard SN of guest

Yes, in the GUI under "<your VM> -> Options -> SMBIOS settings (type1)" you can set data like serial number, manufacturer, etc...
Hello, I have used this method to set baseboard serialnumber for a windows guest, but it's not working.
using wmic baseboard get serialnumber in the powershell returns message No Instance Available.
How can I set CimInstance ClassName win32_baseboard for windows guest in proxmox?
Which machine version do you have configured for that VM? (check with qm config VMID | grep machine)

Versions 8.1 and 8.2 use a 64 bit SMBIOS table that Windows doesn't understand, so it can't read from it an you'll get empty values for SMBIOS data like serialnumber or UUID. It's reported to QEMU and patched for QEMU v9.0 [1].

Change machine version to 8.0 and it should work [2].

Which machine version do you have configured for that VM? (check with qm config VMID | grep machine)

Versions 8.1 and 8.2 use a 64 bit SMBIOS table that Windows doesn't understand, so it can't read from it an you'll get empty values for SMBIOS data like serialnumber or UUID. It's reported to QEMU and patched for QEMU v9.0 [1].

Change machine version to 8.0 and it should work [2].

Thank you for your reply.
I have made to overcome to this issue by passing dmidecode -t 2 to the guest by the qm set <vmID> --args "-smbios type=2,serial=qwerty1234"