Separate Management Network

Craig St George

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
We are just installing our Test system and we are looking

eth0 Public Bridge for VM
eth1 Private Bridge for VM
eth3 Management
eth4 Corosync
eth5 Storage

I assume that the eth3 4 and 5 don't need to be a bridge ?
Oh and BTW what interface does the replication traffic use by default the management or the corrosysnc or other one ?

I m thinking of the best way to install here as it seems the IP address you bring it up on is used in a few places
What I m think now is install using the management IP address that will create that Bridge vmbr0 with the management IP address and set it to use eth3

SO what I was thinking I could then remove the IP form the bridge and tell the Bridge to use the eth1
and then set the management IP address as a static setting on the eth3

Do you think this is the best way to do this e.g a Separate management interface ?

What I had done was install using on the eth1 and then I remove that ip address and edited the /etc/hosts and the interface file but it did not work out that well as I think that original IP is used in a few other places when you install

Ok thanks for that one issue i found not in the wiki is when you separate the corosync you need to add Firewall rules for the corosync at the datacenter else the cluster will lose communications might be good to add that to the wiki if you have time
