My PVE has IP of:
Some of my VMs/CTs are in 192.168.1.x subnet, some are in 192.168.100.x subnet
Does it make sense to change the management IP of PVE from x.x.1.2 to i.e. totally different subnet i.e. 10.10.x.x. or it shall stay in 1.x subnet?
And if so - how to?
My questions is with relation to security only.
Btw PVE is behind opnsense (separate box) and it is not exposed to WAN (only exposed is nginx proxy on ports 80 and 443).
my /etc/network/interfaces:
thank you for advice
My PVE has IP of:
Some of my VMs/CTs are in 192.168.1.x subnet, some are in 192.168.100.x subnet
Does it make sense to change the management IP of PVE from x.x.1.2 to i.e. totally different subnet i.e. 10.10.x.x. or it shall stay in 1.x subnet?
And if so - how to?
My questions is with relation to security only.
Btw PVE is behind opnsense (separate box) and it is not exposed to WAN (only exposed is nginx proxy on ports 80 and 443).
my /etc/network/interfaces:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto enp1s0
iface enp1s0 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports enp1s0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
thank you for advice