I current have the latest Proxmox installed and working perfectly with a few VZ/KVM containers. Whenever a backup is completed an email gets sent out to my gmail account, I receive it just fine, however when I try and send an email from a ssh terminal to the same address, nothing shows up in gmail.
mail -s testemail my_email@gmail.com < /dev/null
Is there something else I'm need to configure? why would a cronjob be able to send email but not from the cmd line?
30 05 * * 6 root vzdump --quiet --node 4 --snapshot --compress --storage backups --mailto my_email@gmail.com 104
mail -s testemail my_email@gmail.com < /dev/null
Is there something else I'm need to configure? why would a cronjob be able to send email but not from the cmd line?
30 05 * * 6 root vzdump --quiet --node 4 --snapshot --compress --storage backups --mailto my_email@gmail.com 104