search in quarantine by domain?


Renowned Member
Jul 17, 2014
Is there any way to search in SPAM Quarantine "by domain" rather then by email-address?
I'd like to check all quarantined emails under a certain domain, not for a certain user.
Tried '*domain.tld', '*@domain.tld', '@domain.tld', 'domain.tld', 'domain' but it shows only the list of (numerous) addresses@domain.tld

Also it would be nice if there was an option to group reports by Domain.

no thats currently not implemented, the spam quarantine is seperated by user since it's designed to be self-services by them
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Reactions: Riesling.Dry
PLEASE do consider adding that feature in a future version.
Here's why: User has "catchall" email for some of his Domains and asked to remove him/his domains from PMG as he cannot handle the countless Notifications from PMG for SPAM well detected and caught by PMG (!) for SPAM sent to (apparently) randomly generated To:-Addresses under his Domains.
He says, he can much better handle and block SPAM if it gets delivered 'normally' (= w./o. PMG). From his inbox he can extract and subsequently add the SPAMMERs data to his header_checks & body_checks in one go, while viewing each and every single one of them on PGM web-GUI is totally inefficient.
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