Thanks worked! Is there a list of known issues or something like that? Own subcategory on bugzilla?it's a known bug, you need to delete the gateway first, editing the subnet
Awesome, thanks! This bug is still present in 8.0.4it's a known bug, you need to delete the gateway first, editing the subnet
I did end up removing the VMs also. Ultimately, I just re-installed the latest version.I was able to resolve the issue by deleting the virtual machine that was using this network. The issue may be resolved if you move your virtual machine to another network first. Afterwards, navigate to Datacenter > SDN > VNets, delete the Subnet, and then delete the VNet. Following these steps, you should be able to delete the SDN. Please don't forget to apply the changes in Datacenter > SDN.
mkdir -p /root/pve-backups/configs
cp -r /etc/pve /root/pve-backups/configs/
cp /etc/network/interfaces /root/pve-backups/configs/
cp /etc/hosts /root/pve-backups/configs/
cp -r /etc/corosync /root/pve-backups/configs/
#Ceph if using
cp -r /etc/ceph /root/pve-backups/configs/
#tar and compress backups
tar -czvf pve-config-backup.tar.gz /root/pve-backups/configs/
#copy these out
#to edit / remove SDN parts via CLI
cd /etc/pve/sdn
#check each cfg and delete specific parts as needed
#cat <name>.cfg to check before deleting
rm <vnet>.cfg
rm <subnet>.cfg
rm <zone>.cfg
#Once Deleted below can take some time 1-2 minutes depending on your setup
systemctl restart pveproxy.service
systemctl restart pve-cluster
This will delete all of the SDN subnets.To resolve, in Shell execute:
rm -rf /etc/pve/sdn/subnets.cfg
And navigate Datacenter -> SDN -> Apply
This is what fixed my issueAnother cause for this could be that the IPAM still contains entries for VMs - you can check in the IPAM tab whether there are any VMs still included.