Script before VM startup....


Renowned Member
Jul 7, 2008
Trentino Italy
I know that the VMID.conf file allows to add an

argument that is passed to kvm
Is there a possiblity to launch a script before launching vm?

Mkdir /etc/qemu-server/before

if a script like exists in that dir it shoud be before at startup
of the VM...

The problem because i need to dinamically add an USB port...

In the wait time take a look at the sources...
Tx, Diaolin
There was a plan to add some kind of hooks skripts in V2.0. But so far nobody contributed that code ;-)
ok, next week i'll write this hooks for 1.9...
and then...

i wrote the hooks for args:
and i hope it's possible to add some hooks like this quickly

when ready i'll post here the code
Ok. i'll write even for 2.0 but for now i'm using the 1.9 version and i'll write it even for it.

Another problem is the USB support of kvm 0.15.... it does not work
pass'through i intend

but this is another thread