Scheduling Backup Image Verification of most recent backups.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2019
Is there a way to schedule verification of each backup after it's completed? It doesn't have to be done right after the backup is done, but in some timely manner.
I found a script to run a verification, but it will verify every single image of every backup which I think can be redundant unless the older images can become corrupted or there is a chance of something going wrong with them after they've already been verified...
Thank you so much.

currently there is no option to verify a backup automatically after the creation, however such an option could make sense. You should submit a feature request to Bugzilla.
Once verified the backup can be corrupted, but only to the extend that every file in the filesystem can(drive failure, etc.).
Is this the option?
proxmox-backup-manager datastore show sicherung
│ Name            │ Value                                       │
│ name            │ sicherung                                   │
│ path            │ /v-machines/pbs-store1-sicherung            │
│ comment         │ Tägliche Sicherung der virtuellen Maschinen │
│ gc-schedule     │ Tue 04:30                                   │
│ keep-last       │ 60                                          │
│ prune-schedule  │ daily                                       │
│ verify-schedule │ sun 00:15                                   │
So verify-schedule is like a Restore Test?
So verify-schedule is like a Restore Test?
It's a scheduled verify. This ensures the backup data is all there and not bit-rotten, at the time of verify.
It currently verifies the whole datastore, but we plan to make that more configurable. Hannes is already working on that.

This is not a full replacement of an end to end backup/restore tests. While it comes pretty close, it cannot protect from Human errors like disabling backups for an important disk of a VM by mistake, or other misconfigurations, or even HW/Software bugs affecting only ones specific platform.
So some basic restore test are still highly recommended, especially at the initial setup.
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