Running virtual machines inside of truenas scale


Sep 7, 2021
I'm new to trueness scale and have been running proxmox for maybe a month but a noob here. I was wondering if it's a good idea to run micro services on trueness scale inside of proxmox since that's where most of the hard drives and storage are. And if there are any potential issues. I don't want to buy another server and would prefer to host caprover locally. Does anyone have any ideas or seen any performance issues? I have a dell r720 with 192gb of ram and might upgrade it, but most of the armies dedicated to trueness scale.
why would you run virtual machines on truenas scale running on proxmox? I would just use it as a NAS and get the VMs sorted by proxmox
I also have Dell R720 with 2 GPUs and 192GB RAM. I use TrueNas Core for my NAS requirements without any issues. This has made my actual TrueNas server redundant which I could sell or just keep it as a backup server.
Nested virtualization (running VMs inside a VM) is a thing you normally try to avoid and it is more for testing and not for production systems.
Why not just use iSCSI/SMB/NFS so PVE VMs can access your data on the virtualized TrueNAS?