did you already look at the examples here:
and the api docs here:
if yes, what exactly do you have problems with?
Okay I was able to create my VM using the python wrapper but I am having issues creating a local disk from which the vm will boot from.
Below is the way I created the VM and this part works perfectly fine:
from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI
prox = ProxmoxAPI(host='IP', port=8006, user='username', password='pass', verify_ssl=False)
node = prox.nodes('nodeName')
getattr(node, 'qemu').create(vmid=234, name='hellothere', memory=1024, cpu='kvm64', cores=1, sockets=1, cdrom='local:iso/ubuntu-18.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso', ostype='l26', net0='virtio,tag=608', pool='DEV', scsi0='lab-ceph:vm-234-disk-0,backup=1,cache=writeback,size=10G,ssd=1', scsihw='virtio-scsi-pci', hotplug=1, tablet=1, vga='qxl')
and now I am trying to add the storage for this VM so it can boot but I am getting errors, below is the command I am trying.
getattr(node, 'storage').content.post(vmid=234, filename='vm-234-disk-0', size='10G', storage='lab-ceph', format='raw')
When I run the above command, I get this:
proxmoxer.core.ResourceException: 501 Not Implemented: Method 'POST /nodes/prox5-cmi-010/storage/content' not implemented - b'{"data":null}'
I am referring to the proxmox api documentation:

Can anybody please help me! please please....