I was looking for any OS which runs Suns Sunray-Server for some Sunray terminals.
I started with Ubuntu904dt-AM46, then moved to SLES10.2-AM64 which are
working fine as a virtual machine on Proxmox, but not for the Sunray-Stuff :-((.
Then I tried Solaris 10U6GA1, which is basicly ok, boots up, but unfortunately does not recognice the Ethernet boards (e1000) and the mouse.
It looks like PCI-support is broken in Proxmox1.3 somehow regarding Solaris.
Then I moved to RHEL5.1-am64 which detects 32bit Environment, has trouble with
ACPI (I switched off) and detects fast changing CPU-clock and IRQ issue and
prevents me to start the install because it reboots because of that. Keyboard support is limited and prevents to use the "=" for kernel options
Referring to linux-kvm.org kvm-85 should be fine for both, Solaris and RHEL5.1 but is not. Anybody out there who has got experience regarding these OSs?
I'm running PVE1.3 on an MSI/AM3/PhenomX4-2.6
[Update: Reconfigured RHEL to Single Core -> installs works now!]
Many thanks in advance!
I started with Ubuntu904dt-AM46, then moved to SLES10.2-AM64 which are
working fine as a virtual machine on Proxmox, but not for the Sunray-Stuff :-((.
Then I tried Solaris 10U6GA1, which is basicly ok, boots up, but unfortunately does not recognice the Ethernet boards (e1000) and the mouse.
It looks like PCI-support is broken in Proxmox1.3 somehow regarding Solaris.
Then I moved to RHEL5.1-am64 which detects 32bit Environment, has trouble with
ACPI (I switched off) and detects fast changing CPU-clock and IRQ issue and
prevents me to start the install because it reboots because of that. Keyboard support is limited and prevents to use the "=" for kernel options
Referring to linux-kvm.org kvm-85 should be fine for both, Solaris and RHEL5.1 but is not. Anybody out there who has got experience regarding these OSs?
I'm running PVE1.3 on an MSI/AM3/PhenomX4-2.6
[Update: Reconfigured RHEL to Single Core -> installs works now!]
Many thanks in advance!
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