RHEL5.1 and Solaris 2008.U6


Sep 28, 2009
I was looking for any OS which runs Suns Sunray-Server for some Sunray terminals.
I started with Ubuntu904dt-AM46, then moved to SLES10.2-AM64 which are
working fine as a virtual machine on Proxmox, but not for the Sunray-Stuff :-((.
Then I tried Solaris 10U6GA1, which is basicly ok, boots up, but unfortunately does not recognice the Ethernet boards (e1000) and the mouse.
It looks like PCI-support is broken in Proxmox1.3 somehow regarding Solaris.
Then I moved to RHEL5.1-am64 which detects 32bit Environment, has trouble with
ACPI (I switched off) and detects fast changing CPU-clock and IRQ issue and
prevents me to start the install because it reboots because of that. Keyboard support is limited and prevents to use the "=" for kernel options

Referring to linux-kvm.org kvm-85 should be fine for both, Solaris and RHEL5.1 but is not. Anybody out there who has got experience regarding these OSs?

I'm running PVE1.3 on an MSI/AM3/PhenomX4-2.6

[Update: Reconfigured RHEL to Single Core -> installs works now!]

Many thanks in advance!
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I was looking for any OS which runs Suns Sunray-Server for some Sunray terminals.
I started with Ubuntu904dt-AM46, then moved to SLES10.2-AM64 which are
working fine as a virtual machine on Proxmox, but not for the Sunray-Stuff :-((.
Then I tried Solaris 10U6GA1, which is basicly ok, boots up, but unfortunately does not recognice the Ethernet boards (e1000) and the mouse.
It looks like PCI-support is broken in Proxmox1.3 somehow regarding Solaris.
Then I moved to RHEL5.1-am64 which detects 32bit Environment, has trouble with
ACPI (I switched off) and detects fast changing CPU-clock and IRQ issue and
prevents me to start the install because it reboots because of that. Keyboard support is limited and prevents to use the "=" for kernel options

Referring to linux-kvm.org kvm-85 should be fine for both, Solaris and RHEL5.1 but is not. Anybody out there who has got experience regarding these OSs?

I'm running PVE1.3 on an MSI/AM3/PhenomX4-2.6

[Update: Reconfigured RHEL to Single Core -> installs works now!]

Many thanks in advance!

the new 1.4beta2 has a new KVM version, maybe you should give it a try.
Re: RHEL5.1 and Solaris 2008.U6/Opensolaris

the new 1.4beta2 has a new KVM version, maybe you should give it a try.

Didn't try 14b2 on productive machine until now, but had a look
at Opensolaris2009.06. Quite ok up to now, Networking fine,
but no mouse in VNC because of USB/IRQ issues (?), same for
the OpenSolaris2008.05XXL (from Heise, C't).
We'll see if I'll get it work for Sunray (Thin Clients) with console only.

Is there a parameter to change mouse behaviour? I thnk it's somewhat
strange none of the older OSs we tried works fine regarding the mouse
and PVE1.3 (mouse offset/scaling).
PVE1.1 at least worked for OpenSuse11 and Ubuntu8xxx.
Something is different with 1.3, maybe a setting, only.
Re: RHEL5.1 and Solaris 2008.U6/Opensolaris

Didn't try 14b2 on productive machine until now, but had a look
at Opensolaris2009.06. Quite ok up to now, Networking fine,
but no mouse in VNC because of USB/IRQ issues (?), same for
the OpenSolaris2008.05XXL (from Heise, C't).
We'll see if I'll get it work for Sunray (Thin Clients) with console only.

Is there a parameter to change mouse behaviour? I thnk it's somewhat
strange none of the older OSs we tried works fine regarding the mouse
and PVE1.3 (mouse offset/scaling).
PVE1.1 at least worked for OpenSuse11 and Ubuntu8xxx.
Something is different with 1.3, maybe a setting, only.

We're running the Sunrays with actual Opensolaris 2009.06.
Suns RDesktop Client is missing due to an issue, but the rest is
fully ok and easy to install. We installed on PVE1.4 because of the
known mouse issues and hot-moved it to our currently productive
PVE1.3 (and used the sunrays for console). No special settings in
PVE were required when using this newer version.