I have some trouble with a Proxmox machine, the system disk has died, I lost all configuration files. (I know it's a big mistake from my side, from now I do a backup)
The server contains 5 disks, 1 for the system 4 for the virtual machines. The 4 disks used one-by-one as a logical volume group, 1 disk = 1 physical volume = 1 volume group = logical volumes aka VMs.
After I changed the system disk and reinstalled the Proxmox, I have no idea how to attach ready made VM's disks to a new virtual machine.
There are only Windows VMs, no containers.
- Pvdisplay, vgdisplay, lvdisplay show the correct data.
- I tried to use kpartx for mount/check the partitions with SUCCESS, all data show correctly.
- I tried to add storage over the web interface (Datacenter --> Storage --> Add --> LVM --> ...all volume group selectable, exists)
My problem starting here:
After I added a volume group as storage, it does not recognize the VM's disks,
1, Summary --> Usage 100% (this is correct)
2, VM Disks --> EMPTY (this is not correct, there are more disks, lsblk also show the disks, vgscan --> all found, lvscan --> all active)
Please point me to the right way, how to possible add the disks into Proxmox.
Thank you!
The server contains 5 disks, 1 for the system 4 for the virtual machines. The 4 disks used one-by-one as a logical volume group, 1 disk = 1 physical volume = 1 volume group = logical volumes aka VMs.
After I changed the system disk and reinstalled the Proxmox, I have no idea how to attach ready made VM's disks to a new virtual machine.
There are only Windows VMs, no containers.
- Pvdisplay, vgdisplay, lvdisplay show the correct data.
- I tried to use kpartx for mount/check the partitions with SUCCESS, all data show correctly.
- I tried to add storage over the web interface (Datacenter --> Storage --> Add --> LVM --> ...all volume group selectable, exists)
My problem starting here:
After I added a volume group as storage, it does not recognize the VM's disks,
1, Summary --> Usage 100% (this is correct)
2, VM Disks --> EMPTY (this is not correct, there are more disks, lsblk also show the disks, vgscan --> all found, lvscan --> all active)
Please point me to the right way, how to possible add the disks into Proxmox.
Thank you!