Restore single disk from backup


Mar 27, 2019
I've got a windows machine running with 2 virtual disks connected. One with 100GB containing the windows system and one with 2TB with data. Now my windows system somehow screwed up and won't boot anymore. I already tried many things but can't get it to work.
I have a backup (.vma.zst) 3 days old but I would like to restore only the 100GB disk. I know there is the suggestion to restore the backup to a new VMID and then move the disk, but unfortunately I don't have enough space to restore the whole backup parallel to the existing vm.
Is there really no way to restore only the smaller disk or extract it somehow out of the backup to insert it to the existing vm?
No, this is currently not supported for vma backups. The format technically can, so if you're willing to go into our qemu source code I'm sure you could figure something out, but right now that's not possible. The best option would probably be to attach some external or auxiliary drive and restore to that.

Just FYI, I know not helpful in your current situation, but for PBS backups this works, as you can download the raw images from the PBS web GUI.
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Ok, thanks for the clarification. My backups are stored on a dedicated machine with TrueNAS, but as I'm using it only for Proxmos backups so I was already thinking to switch the system to PBS. I think this moved now a bit forward on my to-do-list ;)