restore host backup as image file

if you have a file-based backup you can't restore as an image directly. You can create an image, a file system on top of the image, mount it and then restore the files into the file system.
if you have a file-based backup you can't restore as an image directly. You can create an image, a file system on top of the image, mount it and then restore the files into the file system.
i'm also interested to understand how to restore entire VM from a backup client.

i don't understand wat yopu mean with:
ou can create an image, a file system on top of the image, mount it and then restore the files into the file system.

Fiona you mean i need to install a VM with the same specs install the PBS agent and then run a restore?
Or i can need to create a VM start with a live distro and then run a restore?
Fiona you mean i need to install a VM with the same specs install the PBS agent and then run a restore?
If you have proxmox-backup-client in the VM, you can also run the restore from inside the VM.
Or i can need to create a VM start with a live distro and then run a restore?
With a live-distro you won't have the proxmox-backup-client available.

I meant the following
root@pve8a1 ~ # cat example/some_file
some text
root@pve8a1 ~ # proxmox-backup-client backup --repository <my-repo> host-backup.pxar:example
Starting backup: host/pve8a1/2024-08-07T08:30:20Z
root@pve8a1 ~ # pvesm alloc zfs 113 vm-113-disk-3 1G
successfully created 'zfs:vm-113-disk-3'
root@pve8a1 ~ # mkfs.ext4 $(pvesm path zfs:vm-113-disk-3)
root@pve8a1 ~ # mount $(pvesm path zfs:vm-113-disk-3) /mnt/tmp
root@pve8a1 ~ # proxmox-backup-client restore --repository <my-repo> host/pve8a1/2024-08-07T08:30:20Z host-backup.pxar /mnt/tmp
root@pve8a1 ~ # cat /mnt/tmp/some_file
some text
root@pve8a1 ~ # umount /mnt/tmp
root@pve8a1 ~ # qm set 113 -scsi2 zfs:vm-113-disk-3
update VM 113: -scsi2 zfs:vm-113-disk-3
Of course the details will be different depending on your needs.