Restore data from virtual machine


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017

unfortunately i had to reinstall my ProxMox installation on my HP Microserver Gen8. Installed then the newest version of ProxMox 6.3.2. There by i lost my Virtual Windows Server. But it seems that the HDD where the data from the Virtual Windows server is stored, is okay. Is there a way to restore those hdd inside a fresh virtual Windows in ProxMox?? I cant figure it out.
But it seems that the HDD where the data from the Virtual Windows server is stored, is okay.
Virtual or physical disk? How was it attached to the VM?
Its hard to add it again if you don't know how it is partitioned, what file system was used and how you got it into the VM.

Do you atleast know if the disk was directly used (passthrough using "qm set") or if it was just used as a storage on your host to store a virtual disk that was used for the VM?

And some more info would be usefull. For example the output of lsblk, fdisk -l and so on.
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