Everyone i receive email from proxmox "replication job failed" after i change the subnet of LAN on all three nodes.
Network configuration on PVE01:
pvecm status:
If i go in Datacenter>Cluster>Join Information i see that still the old ip and not the new one:
How can i fix that?
Did you edit /etc/hosts on each node to reference the new IP of each one?
Did you reboot the node after the changes?
Also check /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg, maybe there's the old network there as the migration network.
Did you edit /etc/hosts on each node to reference the new IP of each one?
Did you reboot the node after the changes?
Also check /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg, maybe there's the old network there as the migration network.
No i forgot to modifiy /etc/hosts on each node, now i change with the new ip.
i don't reboot the node because all three is in production state, if it is necessary i need to schedule at night time.
this is the content of /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg
Hi everyone i reboot all the nodes but i see that the replication tab not contains the replication tab is empty, i need to recreate each vm manually:
Why after reboot i found it empty?
Also the storage "zpool01" as you can see under "pve02" the space used is not how the "pve01"
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