Removing cluster nodes: cluster not ready - no quorum


New Member
Aug 5, 2015
According to that you are supposed to shut down the node(s) and make sure they do not come back.

Well, i did just that. I had 4 nodes for testing, turns out did not need 2 of them.
So, i shut down the 2 nodes, and actually already recycled those (reinstalled etc.)

Now i get this:
:~# pvecm delnode vnode0163
cluster not ready - no quorum?

How do i fix this? I know the remaining 2 nodes are in sync.

Also someone should update the wiki to remove the nodes first, or warning about quorum issues and link to fix.
You need to set the number of expected votes:

# pvecm expected 2

After that you should be able to remove the nodes.

Must i do this every time i del a node?
So this is the fix number of existing nodes yet.
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