Removing a deleted LVM/LG from proxmox webgui


New Member
Jan 30, 2020
Hi there,

While adding some drives as OSDs for a ceph cluster, I accidentally made one into a LVM under disks-LVM (the drive in questions being /dev/sdc). Since there was no delete option available I then proceeded to delete the logistical group using lvremove Plexbulk (<--the name of the LVM I created) after which the drive doesn't show up anymore under lvdisplay. However at this point it seems like the drive definition is stuck in proxmox somewhere as while it doesn't show up in the command line anywhere, I still see it in the disks-->LVM menu and it won't offer the drive to me when I try to create a new OSD under the ceph menus.

When first starting my journey with proxmox I reinstalled a node on a new hdd and in order to remove the old one from the web gui there was a particular menu I had to go into in order to delete the config.

A million thanks in advance!
Did you do vgremove as well ? After that you might also need to do fdisk /dev/sdx to remove the partition. Was actually doing it recently few times, it was annoying but easy enough to default the drive to be able to use it for something else. If you have SSD you might want to use blkdiscard /dev/sdx to remove everything from it.
Nope. I've never worked with vg or lvm before so this has all been new to me. I'll give that a shot. Thanks
you can use lvdisplay, vgdisplay and pvdisplay to list everything that is related to LVM. Then remove accordingly. by remove command (vgremove, pvremove etc.) , then you might have to do fdisk or blkdiscard.
That makes a lot of sense now that I'm seeing it all laid out like that.

lvdisplay shows nothing
vgdisplay shows the drive I'm trying to dispose of
pvdisplay also shows the drive

I ran:
vgremove <name> which said it it was successful.
pvremove <name> which said it wasn't found (I'm guessing vg must have done it if the creation of the pv comes after the vg)

pvdisplay now says "/dev/sdc is a new physical volume"

I ran pvremove /dev/sdc and it said al labels were wiped and now I can reallocate the disk to something else in proxmox so that's all good.

Now there's just a phantom drive with a 'status unknown' question mark on it under the node in proxmox. I've arrived at this point before where getting the config for the entry dropped out of proxmox means finding it in the proxmox directories on the node and just deleting it.

Thanks for all the help!
So while messing around trying to figure out which drive was really dead (I might have a bad backplane) my node decided to flip out and wouldn't take any drives in any bays and I had to reinstall everything.

Any tips on dumping an entire node? I reinstalled and have the drives all going properly now but picked a new name and IP to make sure it didn't conflict with the old config entries.

EDIT: I"m going to start a new thread with this. pvedelnode just drops it from proxmox and so I've got to figure out how to get it our of ceph too sorry if I took things off topic in this thread
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