[SOLVED] Remove Local Storage


Jun 30, 2020

I store all of my data on my NAs through mapped shares in my PVE environment. I have basically "disabled" local storage by using them for container data which I don't use containers in PVE. Is it safe to remove those local storage items? (local, and local-zfs)

"local" is /var/lb/vz and part of your root filesystem. If I remember right you can't delete it because it will create itself again when doing that.
But you could disable it or set it's content type to none, so it won'T show up in the storage dropdowns: pvesm set local --content none

"local-zfs" could be removed in case you don't plan to store any VMs/LXCs on that ZFS pool.
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so I definitely have to keep local then... I thought that was just another storage space outside where pve stores stuff. If I look at it, there (/var/lib/vz) there's folders that represent where data would be if I were using it for that purpose (iso, vzdumps, etc) but they are all empty
Ok, thanks! I removed the local-zfs, I just wish I could remove local from the sidebar... to me it's just not clean because it's unused lol
Even better, I saw there was an "Enabled" option, I just removed that, set content type to none and now it's gone. So Pretty!

Thanks for your help!
@fiona consider removing the "default" local datastore at new install :) it was never good practice to house your virtual assets on the boot device. (and yes, I think I made that "bug report" around 5 years ago...)
why do you tag me? It's not my decision to make and I don't think I know about that bug report ;)

EDIT: oh, you said on the boot device. Yes, they are on the boot device by default, but not on the storage shared with the root partition.

That said, the local storage is not used for guest images by default:

An installation with local-lvm (default) or local-zfs (if you select ZFS), will use that storage for images,rootdir i.e. guest images and the local storage is only used for backup,iso,vztmpl content types.
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Because you're always helpful :) in any event, point taken. mea culpa- forgive me...
Sorry if I wasn't helpful in this case. It's just that I have limited time and enough to do already. Feel free to tag me on (important-seeming) issues related to QEMU or features I have worked on.

If there is an old bug report, you can indicate that it's still relevant by updating the version to 7, but in general, please don't bump just for the sake of bumping. Such low(er)-priority request often take a while to get around to. And honestly, I haven't seen too many complaints about the default storage layouts, but more flexibility (for more advanced users) in the installer can fine of course.