I'm trying to add a sync job to a remote PBS server. I've already added the remote PBS system to the Remotes section of the local PBS. In the Add: Sync Job dialog I can choose the Source Remote, but, when I try to choose the Source Datastore I get "Internal Server Error (500) failed to scan remote 'pbs-wa' - remote connection to '' failed - permission check failed".
Even more strange to me is that sometimes I see the remote datastore's name (primary) for a second, if I select it I get "[object Object]".
In an attempt to bypass all permissions issues I added a, /datastore/primary, syncUser@pbs, Admin, entry on the remote server. This entry is in addition to, /datastore/primary, syncUser@pbs, DatastoreReader.
I'm running PBS 3.2-2 on the local system and PBS 3.2-3 on the remote system.
Even more strange to me is that sometimes I see the remote datastore's name (primary) for a second, if I select it I get "[object Object]".
In an attempt to bypass all permissions issues I added a, /datastore/primary, syncUser@pbs, Admin, entry on the remote server. This entry is in addition to, /datastore/primary, syncUser@pbs, DatastoreReader.
I'm running PBS 3.2-2 on the local system and PBS 3.2-3 on the remote system.