I was adding one host to proxmox cluster. Unfortunatly I didn't write a proper IP address in /etc/hosts to this node and during join to cluster corosync took bad IP. I powered off this node and all back to good condition but how can I rejoin this node to cluster?
I wanted delete this node from cluster but how to do it safety when no membership information name to this node (should be node7)
In GUI I see this host with red cross icon.
Link 0 has bad IP in node7
I was adding one host to proxmox cluster. Unfortunatly I didn't write a proper IP address in /etc/hosts to this node and during join to cluster corosync took bad IP. I powered off this node and all back to good condition but how can I rejoin this node to cluster?
I wanted delete this node from cluster but how to do it safety when no membership information name to this node (should be node7)
In GUI I see this host with red cross icon.
pvecm status:
Cluster information
Name: cluster
Config Version: 8
Transport: knet
Secure auth: on
Quorum information
Date: Wed Jun 2 15:30:15 2021
Quorum provider: corosync_votequorum
Nodes: 6
Node ID: 0x00000001
Ring ID: 1.10b3
Quorate: Yes
Votequorum information
Expected votes: 7
Highest expected: 7
Total votes: 6
Quorum: 4
Flags: Quorate
Membership information
Nodeid Votes Name
0x00000001 1 node1 (local)
0x00000002 1 node2
0x00000003 1 node3
0x00000004 1 node4
0x00000005 1 node5
0x00000006 1 node6
Link 0 has bad IP in node7