Reinstall the server but keep all backups


New Member
Apr 2, 2023
my PBS, ver 2.4-4, has some big problems with both network and upgrades (apt dist-upgrade stucks at kernel errors).
Is it possible to export settings for pools and backups and reinstall the server?
The backup disks are using ZFS.

Some more info:
I prefer to also save user accounts that my Proxmox cluster are using (and fingerprints I guess).
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There is no built-in export nor import. But all PBS specific configs you find in /etc/proxmox-backup. ZFS pools can be imported via "zpool import YourPoolName" command.

Maybe you could try an older kernel to get it working again and then try to upgrade to the latest PBS version?
It would be absolutely the best if I manage to fix the system instead of reinstalling.
All backups are taken properly and can be restored.
I will try some more and I hope it can be solved.