Recover single VM from a failed boot disk on Proxmox


Aug 26, 2022
Hello everyone, I'm not an advanced user with PVE,

One of my servers failed to boot, and now Proxmox no longer runs,
I immediately used another physical server and restored the vms backups.

But I have a VM and an LXC container without backups because I was still working on building them.

the failed Disk is not lost entirely, only the Boot

what is the easiest way to recover both guests? (LXC and VM)
whether by boot repair, or adding the disk on the new server, or recovering via clonezilla, please leave me a step by step.
Greetings from Brazil to all, and thank you for your help since now
I have a full image of the failed boot disk taken from clonezilla.
PS2: my backup storage is a separate Nas, mounted as storage /mnt/pve/Nas_VMS(type SMB/CIFS)
If just the bootloader isn't working you could boot a PVE Iso and enter rescue mode. And then try to copy the virtual disks of those two guests. You then also need the VM/LXC config files in "/etc/pve/lxc" and "/etc/pve/qemu-server" but you probably won'T get access to it. In such a case you could try to backup the whole PVE config DB to extract them from there later (see here: or you could create new config files from scratch and reuse the old virtual disks.
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Primeiro, precisamos saber exatamente o que não está funcionando e o que a mensagem de erro exata indica.
In the image shows the boot error

this happened after removing the node that was clustered and then restarting

, it is still possible to see the HDD records of another node that belonged to the Cluster


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Se apenas o bootloader não estiver funcionando, você poderá inicializar um VE Iso e entrar no modo de recuperação. E tente copiar os discos virtuais desses dois convidados. Você também precisa dos arquivos de configuração VM/LXC em "/etc/pve/lxc" e "/etc/pve/qemu-server", mas provavelmente não terá acesso a ele. Nesse caso, você pode tentar fazer backup de todo o banco de dados de configuração PVE para extraí-los de lá mais tarde (veja aqui: ) ou você Criar novos arquivos de configuração do zero e reutilizar os discos virtuais antigos.

Ok, I will search how can I save the file inside etc/pve/lxc I will initialize iso and try to look there and copy the files I have other files that I have already recovered, they are attached

I noticed that the VMS disks appear, but the Containers do not

I want to redeem VM ID 300
and LXC ID 106


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Hello everybody,

first of all thank you very much for your answers

I solved this case by booting through Winpe_sergei_strelec.iso

Through it I used a backup and restore tool, in which I could view the files and directories through the GUI in a very simple way.

with that i backed up the whole folder etc.

I saved what I needed

I also got the disks in /var/lib/vz

and I recovered the vms

Incredibly for me, even though it is something simple, it was very difficult, because I have little study in proxmox

I advise everyone who has difficulties, not to be discouraged, because only study and perseverance takes you somewhere.