Reboot and Shutdown not functioning in custom image


New Member
Jun 22, 2023
I've created a bootable linux image that uses grub2 and x86-64-efi to boot (using the OVMF (UEFI) bios option). I've enable "QEMU guest agent" and have qemu-ga running on the VM. I was hoping that would be enough for the webui reboot and shutdown commands to work. This page says qemu-ga can be an alternative, and I don't get any errors when I "ping" the VM qemu-agent , plus I also see IPs and interfaces in the VM summary, so I know qemu-ga is talking to proxmox.

I also tried disabling "ACPI support" for the VM because maybe that would force it to use qemu-ga instead of acpi, but then my VM just fails to boot at all with that disabled.
I just updated today to proxmox 8 but also couldn't get it to work on proxmox 7.

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So it looks like qemu-ga issues the request through the "shutdown" command. I have a custom init so I'm not using systemd or others inits that may come with the shutdown command. I'll just have to figure out something myself cause this is a bit of a special case I think.