[SOLVED] Reassign Owner gives 500


Dec 2, 2022

I am currently trying to Reassign virtio1 from one VM to another but I get
Storage does not support moving of this disk to another VM (500)

Proxmox doesnt really indicate to me what is _actually_ wrong here. Anyone have any takes?
I am running ZFS over iSCSI.
Both VMs are shutdown and are _not_ templates.
And they are using the same storage.

I see according to https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Moving_disk_image_from_one_KVM_machine_to_another
That I can also use
# zfs rename tank/host/vms/vm-400-disk-1 tank/host/vms/vm-2300-disk-1
But I am unsure if this also works with ZFS over iSCSI.
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After some more exploration. I discovered that simple moving the disks in the qemu.conf files actually just works (tm)

I tested this for two windows VMs and it works _perfectly_ from what I can gather.

If anyone knows any sorta issues this might create, please let me know! :)

1. Detach the disk
2. Edit /etc/pve/qemu-server/<DONOR_MACHINE_ID>.conf and cut the line corresponding to the disk
3. Edit /etc/pve/qemu-server/<RECEIVER_MACHINE_ID>.conf and paste the cut line
Since, it appears, that you did not rename the volume to match the new VM ID, you may potentially run into an issue when you delete the original VM. There are no checks to see if of someone moved a disk and didnt rename it. If you select "remove unreferenced disks" it will delete the disk on target VM. If you run "qm rescan" the disk may get added back as unused to original VM.

Its always best to not leave strings attached on migration.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
Thanks bbgeek17 :),

So simple zfs rename should do the trick or is there some other way I should rename it?