realm add sync job via CLI


New Member
Oct 14, 2024
Since 8.x Proxmox supports scheduled realm sync.
adding it via GUI is easy and works like a charm.

any idea how I can add the sync schedule job via CLI?
cant find anything in the documentation how to add the schedule.

picture attached. I like to add this via CLI


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Welcome to the Proxmox forum, Haaski!

Great that you enjoy the feature! If you haven't found it already, you can add a Realm Sync Job with pveum realm sync. You can use pveum help realm sync for more information on the parameters that you can pass to the CLI there.
pvesh create /cluster/jobs/realm-sync/<id> <options>

is the way todo it. With "pveum realm sync" setting the schedule is not supported
I'm sorry, I have misunderstood your question. You're right, it seems that it currently is not possible to create a Realm Sync job via any CLI tool as it is only exposed to the REST API. If you wish to have this feature included in a future PVE version, you're always encouraged to submit a feature request at our BugZilla [0].

Shouldn't it be possible to call the REST api via curl to achieve this? This could be used to create a bash Script for doing the job.
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Shouldn't it be possible to call the RESat api via curl to achieve this? This could je used to create a bash Script for doing the job.
If you haven't stumbled upon this before, there actually is a command line utility called pvesh [0], as mentioned correctly by OP in #3, where you can access the PVE API directly as if it was a REST API, but without using curl or similar tools.

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