Re-Generate VM Conf File

amit bhatt

New Member
Jul 30, 2019
Hello Proxmox Team

i was trying to link two proxmox with cluster option and somehow i delete or auto delete VM conf file .

folder is empty

now unable to check QM list on ssh and GUI ,

how can i rebuild all configuration files.

Guide me

Restore the configs from a backup.
If you don't have a backup, well...

You have your VM ids (get from disk names).
Create according config name and rebuild your configurations from there.
The disks should be recognised / matched from the system so the disks can be attached.

Consider backing up VM configs in future.
If just the .conf files are missing you might try something like this, but it could also be that there is something wrong with the cluster/configuration.
Tthe /etc/pve/ is a virtual file sytem and the data comes from a database, but unfortunately, I don't know enough about cluster setups to help you.
If just the .conf files are missing you might try something like this, but it could also be that there is something wrong with the cluster/configuration.
Tthe /etc/pve/ is a virtual file sytem and the data comes from a database, but unfortunately, I don't know enough about cluster setups to help you.

No , i am just facing Config file issue , its delete so , dont know how to re-generate
I have got the solution :

rm -rf /etc/pve/qemu-server/111.conf

nano /etc/pve/qemu-server/105.conf

##### For Linux It should be :

bios: seabios
boot: order=scsi0;net0
cores: 2
memory: 4096
name: saurabh-nfsc
net0: virtio=A2:B3:C4:D5:E6:F7,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1
scsi0: local-lvm:vm-105-disk-0,iothread=1
scsi1: local-lvm:vm-105-disk-0,iothread=1
scsi2: local-lvm:vm-105-disk-0,iothread=1
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci

##### For Windows it should be :

bios: ovmf
boot: order=scsi2;scsi1;scsi0;net0
cores: 2
memory: 4096
name: CleanWindows10
net0: virtio=00:11:22:33:44:55,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1
scsi0: local-lvm:vm-100-disk-0,iothread=1
scsi1: local-lvm:vm-100-disk-1,iothread=1
scsi2: local-lvm:vm-100-disk-2,iothread=1
scsihw: virtio-scsi-single

Enjoy !!