I recieved a new MB combo with Epyc 7402 and Super Micro Board.
I did some tests with Proxmox on a single Nvme Drive with no problems and now ran into problems switching to RAID1 (ZFS).
I have two identical 256GB Nvme drives and I am able to install Proxmox via Gui Raid1 (ZFS).
Installation runs flawless, data is there and all two SSDs have the 3 partitions like it should be (ckecked it with a debian live linux).
Unfortunately I am not able to boot from this RAID1, as the board does not show me a boot option for it.
I do not even see the two devices in bios anymore, after installation.
Not sure where the problem is located. Maybe the board bios setting? I did not find a way to get it as a boot device.
Ideas or help would be nice.
H11SSL-i | Motherboards | Super Micro Computer, Inc.
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