RAID 2 SSD Disks and NOT the Separate HDD


New Member
Sep 17, 2019

I am trying to install Proxmox (Debian Buster) on a new Hetzner Server. I got 2 SSD disks à 1TB each that I want to Raid 1 and I also got one extra 4TB HDD disk for storage and backups.

But it seems like when I try to install the server tries to include the HDD into the raid. This is the Config I am presented with, how should I change it to my needs?:
The disks will store high amount of small images, millions of small thumbnails. So the filesystem needs to be able to handle that. And the 4TB disk should be able to mount/be used as simple as possible for me as a beginner. I have used Proxmox for 7 years now, but it came preinstalled v.3. Im stepping out in the deep water now.

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## Hetzner Online GmbH - installimage - standard config
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# unkown
DRIVE1 /dev/nvme0n1
# unkown
DRIVE2 /dev/nvme1n1
# Onboard: ST4000NM0024-1HT178
DRIVE3 /dev/sda

## if you dont want raid over your three drives then comment out the following line and set SWRAIDLEVEL not to 5
## please make sure the DRIVE[nr] variable is strict ascending with the used harddisks, when you comment out one or more harddisks

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## activate software RAID? < 0 | 1 >


## Choose the level for the software RAID < 0 | 1 | 5 | 10 >


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## which hostname should be set?

## This must be a FQDN otherwise installation will fail


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## define your partitions and filesystems like this:
## PART <mountpoint/lvm> <filesystem/VG> <size in MB>
## * <mountpoint/lvm> mountpoint for this filesystem *OR* keyword 'lvm'
## to use this PART as volume group (VG) for LVM
## * <filesystem/VG> can be ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, swap *OR* name
## of the LVM volume group (VG), if this PART is a VG
## * <size> you can use the keyword 'all' to assign all the
## remaining space of the drive to the *last* partition.
## you can use M/G/T for unit specification in MIB/GIB/TIB
## notes:
## - extended partitions are created automatically
## - '/boot' cannot be on a xfs filesystem
## - '/boot' cannot be on LVM!
## - when using software RAID 0, you need a '/boot' partition
## example without LVM (default):
## -> 4GB swapspace
## -> 512MB /boot
## -> 10GB /
## -> 5GB /tmp
## -> all the rest to /home
#PART swap swap 4G
#PART /boot ext2 512M
#PART / ext4 10G
#PART /tmp xfs 5G
#PART /home ext3 all
## to activate LVM, you have to define volume groups and logical volumes
## example with LVM:
## normal filesystems and volume group definitions:
## -> 512MB boot (not on lvm)
## -> all the rest for LVM VG 'vg0'
#PART /boot ext3 512M
#PART lvm vg0 all
## logical volume definitions:
#LV <VG> <name> <mount> <filesystem> <size>
#LV vg0 root / ext4 10G
#LV vg0 swap swap swap 4G
#LV vg0 tmp /tmp reiserfs 5G
#LV vg0 home /home xfs 20G
## your system has the following devices:
# Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 1024 GB (=> 953 GiB) doesn't contain a valid partition table
# Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 1024 GB (=> 953 GiB) doesn't contain a valid partition table
# Disk /dev/sda: 4000 GB (=> 3726 GiB) doesn't contain a valid partition table
## Based on your disks and which RAID level you will choose you have
## the following free space to allocate (in GiB):
# RAID 0: ~2859
# RAID 1: ~953
# RAID 5: ~1906

PART /boot ext3 512M
PART lvm vg0 all

LV vg0 root / ext3 15G
LV vg0 swap swap swap 6G

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## full path to the operating system image
## supported image sources: local dir, ftp, http, nfs
## supported image types: tar, tar.gz,, tar.bz2, tar.xz, tgz, tbz, txz
## examples:
# local: /path/to/image/filename.tar.gz
# ftp: ftp://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tar.bz2
# http: http://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tbz
# https: https://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tbz
# nfs: hostname:/path/to/image/filename.tgz
# for validation of the image, place the detached gpg-signature
# and your public key in the same directory as your image file.
# naming examples:
# signature: filename.tar.bz2.sig
# public key: public-key.asc

IMAGE /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/../images/Debian-101-buster-64-minimal.tar.gz
This does not seem like an issue directly related to Proxmox. I'd recommend asking your question via a Hetzner support channel.

For the record, installing PVE from our ISO installer, it is easily possible to select ZFS software RAID with however many drives you want.