[SOLVED] Questions around subscriptions for PBS


Renowned Member
Apr 13, 2012
Hello Team,

Now that PBS has been released as 1.0 Stable (Congratulations!), how will subscriptions work when using PBS?

  1. I have subscriptions for my Proxmox PVE nodes already. Can I use the same type of subscription and add it to my PBS server and receive enterprise updates or do I need to purchase a special PBS subscription?
  2. During this beta phase of testing PBS in our office I have not added any subscription licenses yet (I've been using the free subscription so far). I've read the FAQ and can see that PBS Beta version can be upgraded to PBS 1.0 stable version using regular apt dist-upgrade. Should I apply my subscription to my PBS server before I upgrade to PBS 1.0 Stable?
  3. Are there any dangers or concerns to using the free repository for Proxmox updates and then later add a subscription to use the enterprise repo?

Thank you.
  1. I have subscriptions for my Proxmox PVE nodes already. Can I use the same type of subscription and add it to my PBS server and receive enterprise updates or do I need to purchase a special PBS subscription?
each product (PVE, PMG, PBS) has its own subscription types, so if you want to add a subscription to PBS you'll need to buy a PBS subscription

During this beta phase of testing PBS in our office I have not added any subscription licenses yet (I've been using the free subscription so far). I've read the FAQ and can see that PBS Beta version can be upgraded to PBS 1.0 stable version using regular apt dist-upgrade. Should I apply my subscription to my PBS server before I upgrade to PBS 1.0 Stable?
it does not really matter for the upgrade when you apply your subscription, except that you can only update from enterprise.proxmox.com repo if you have a valid subscription entered

  1. Are there any dangers or concerns to using the free repository for Proxmox updates and then later add a subscription to use the enterprise repo?
as with all our products, we recommend using the enterprise repository for production use
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each product (PVE, PMG, PBS) has its own subscription types, so if you want to add a subscription to PBS you'll need to buy a PBS subscription

it does not really matter for the upgrade when you apply your subscription, except that you can only update from enterprise.proxmox.com repo if you have a valid subscription entered

as with all our products, we recommend using the enterprise repository for production use

Hello @dcsapak ,

Thank you for your reply to my post!

I definitely agree that using the enterprise repo is best for production use. I was more concerned if I use the free repo at first and then apply my license to use the enterprise repo...is there anything in the free repo that may be more unstable or will applying the license and using the enterprise repo remove anything unstable?

Thank you.
I definitely agree that using the enterprise repo is best for production use. I was more concerned if I use the free repo at first and then apply my license to use the enterprise repo...is there anything in the free repo that may be more unstable or will applying the license and using the enterprise repo remove anything unstable?
For clarity: FYI, we do not sell licenses, all our products are licensed under the open AGPLv3, we sell support/enterprise-repository subscriptions.

If you use a test or no-susbcription and switch to an enterprise repository, it will need some time until that caught up until you only run the more stable and well tested enterprise repository.

So, "anything unstable" won't get removed immediately, but eventually - normally that transitions needs a few days to a few weeks at max. Theoretically one could force a downgrade of a package if they run into issues, but I'd recommend talking with the community here first before doing that, especially if not well versed with apt and dependency handling.