The general behaviour of votequorum is to set expected_votes and quorum at startup (unless modified by the user at runtime, see below) and use those values during the whole lifetime of the cluster.
Using for example an 8 node cluster where each node has 1 vote, expected_votes is set to 8 and quorum to 5. This condition allows a total failure of 3 nodes. If a 4th node fails, the cluster becomes inquorate and it will stop providing services.
Enabling LMS allows the cluster to dynamically recalculate expected_votes and quorum under specific circumstances. It is essential to enable WFA when using LMS in High Availability clusters.
Using the above 8 node cluster example, with LMS enabled the cluster can retain quorum and continue operating by losing, in a cascade fashion, up to 6 nodes with only 2 remaining active.
Example chain of events:
1) cluster is fully operational with 8 nodes.
(expected_votes: 8 quorum: 5)
2) 3 nodes die, cluster is quorate with 5 nodes.
3) after last_man_standing_window timer expires,
expected_votes and quorum are recalculated.
(expected_votes: 5 quorum: 3)
4) at this point, 2 more nodes can die and
cluster will still be quorate with 3.
5) once again, after last_man_standing_window
timer expires expected_votes and quorum are
(expected_votes: 3 quorum: 2)
6) at this point, 1 more node can die and
cluster will still be quorate with 2.
7) one more last_man_standing_window timer
(expected_votes: 2 quorum: 2)
NOTES: In order for the cluster to downgrade automatically from 2 nodes to a 1 node cluster, the auto_tie_breaker feature must also be enabled (see below). If auto_tie_breaker is not enabled, and one more failure occurs, the remaining node will not be quorate.