Question about MTU=1 behavior

Jakub Pinkas

New Member
May 29, 2024

I want to clarify here behavior about using MTU=1 for VM interface.

I just run into issue, where i have 2 bridges:
vmbr0 - local on node for install purposes
vxlan100 - my SDN between 3 nodes cluster

My flow is:
1) create VM with vmbr0
2) run our PXE install
3) switch on vxlan100 bridge

I used at start for interface MTU=1 from docs:
>You can overwrite the MTU setting for each VM network device. The optionmtu=1 represents a special case, in which the MTU value will be inheritedfrom the underlying bridge.This option is only available for VirtIO network devices.

Point is vmbr0 is mtu 1500 and vxlan 1450, but when i switch bridges the MTU does not change when 1 is set, there is no validation if mtu of bridge is different or not.

For change i have to unset to default and back to 1.

Is this bug or intended behavior?

Proxmox version 8.1.5
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