[SOLVED] qmrestore hanging at 49%


Jul 15, 2021
Hi All,

I'm having to restore a zdump backup file to another host and I'm having issues getting past 49%.

root@proxmac:/mnt/pve/TrueNas/dump# qmrestore vzdump-qemu-101-2022_12_31-14_16_37.vma 111 --storage TrueNas
restore vma archive: vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp540463.fifo /mnt/pve/TrueNas/dump/vzdump-qemu-101-2022_12_31-14_16_37.vma /var/tmp/vzdumptmp540463
CFG: size: 511 name: qemu-server.conf
DEV: dev_id=1 size: 107374182400 devname: drive-scsi1
DEV: dev_id=2 size: 4194304 devname: drive-tpmstate0-backup
CTIME: Sat Dec 31 14:16:39 2022
Formatting '/mnt/pve/TrueNas/images/111/vm-111-disk-0.raw', fmt=raw size=107374182400 preallocation=off
new volume ID is 'TrueNas:111/vm-111-disk-0.raw'
Formatting '/mnt/pve/TrueNas/images/111/vm-111-disk-1.raw', fmt=raw size=4194304 preallocation=off
new volume ID is 'TrueNas:111/vm-111-disk-1.raw'
map 'drive-scsi1' to '/mnt/pve/TrueNas/images/111/vm-111-disk-0.raw' (write zeros = 0)
map 'drive-tpmstate0-backup' to '/mnt/pve/TrueNas/images/111/vm-111-disk-1.raw' (write zeros = 0)
progress 1% (read 1073807360 bytes, duration 6 sec)
progress 2% (read 2147614720 bytes, duration 17 sec)
progress 3% (read 3221356544 bytes, duration 29 sec)
progress 47% (read 50467897344 bytes, duration 692 sec)
progress 48% (read 51541639168 bytes, duration 716 sec)
progress 49% (read 52615446528 bytes, duration 727 sec)

It's been 20hrs now...No obvious errors being reported but the processes appear stale:

root 540462 0.0 0.1 324480 117376 pts/0 S Jan04 0:10 /usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/qmrestore vzdump-qemu-101-2022_12_31-14_16_37.vma 111 --storage TrueNas
root 540463 0.0 0.1 331728 97556 pts/0 S+ Jan04 0:01 task UPID:proxmac:00083F2F:011675D8:63B5D785:qmrestore:111:root@pam:
root 540464 0.0 0.0 405340 27344 pts/0 Dl+ Jan04 0:27 vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp540463.fifo /mnt/pve/TrueNas/dump/vzdump-qemu-101-2022_12_31-14_16_37.vma /var/tmp/vzdumptmp540463

I first tried this via the GUI and had the same issue.

I have another smaller VM which extracted fine but this one eludes me. Any guidance on how to extract the .raw files from it without having to use qmrestore?



I've managed to find a work-around.

As you may see from the original paths, I was performing these actions across an SMB/CIFS share. Moving the zdump file to local storage on the proxmox host and then re-running the 'vma extract' created the files.

Quick dd and the VM is now running on the TrueNAS host.