I need to move VM (on ZFS) to another disk (on LVM thin) on the same machine.
I can't use the GUI for this migration. I will offline the VM, then just
followed by a manual delete of the VM disks from the original storage?
I ran move storage for another VM which I can do via the GUI, and this is the cmd that ran under the hood
What is zeroinit (I imagine it's something related to LVMthin and filling space) and should I use it when initiating the move via CLI?
I can't use the GUI for this migration. I will offline the VM, then just
qm migrate 201 -targetstorage /dev/lvmt_containers0/vm-201-disk-0
I ran move storage for another VM which I can do via the GUI, and this is the cmd that ran under the hood
/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -p -n -T none -f raw -O raw /dev/zvol/zfs-storage-sdx5/vm-202-disk-0 zeroinit:/dev/lvmt_containers0/vm-202-disk-0
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