Q: post install MOVE of the pve-data volume ?


Renowned Member
Jun 4, 2008
Hi all,

quick question - something I thought should be simple but is not going as smooth as expected.

I've got a dell box with 4x2Tb drives on a hardware raid, ~3.6Tb usable

Raid is carved up into 1 x 100gig - for the 'boot/install' volume
second volume is going to be for ProxVE VM data in theory

What I hope to do,

- install ProxVE onto the 100gig volume
- reboot, issue "correct LVM commands" .. to move pve data off the first 100gig volume and allocate the entire second (~3.5Tb) volume to the PVE data
(unless there is some 'secret expert mode' at boot that lets me achieve this end during install time?)
- then ideally ensure that all the 100gig volume space is allocated to the ProxVE Root filesystem, which is of help for snapshots etc. I believe.

Note this is a bare / clean install ProxVE - there is no VM data in the box yet.

I found a few tutorials for unsupported migtration to swRaid which appear to brush over similar aspects of moves for LVM. But I am not getting there. This seems like a pretty 'standard' desirable thing to do, so I suspect there is a simple, documented way to achieve this goal.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


you can do following:
backup /var/lib/vz (cd /var/lib/vz; tar xvf /pve_vz.tar .)
umount /var/lib/vz and remove the lv
fill the entire vg pve with an dummy-lv
add second raidslice to vg
create lv data on the whole space (on the second raid-area), format with ext3, mount and restore the tar-file.
remove the dummy lv - you need min. 4GB free space for backup in the volumegroup.

Hi Udo,

Many thanks for your reply. It kicked me directly down the right path. I tweaked your suggestion slightly; didn't use a dummy - instead just resized the root LV to eat the space freed up. Seems to have worked very smoothly.

I'm putting the info into my 'sandbox wiki' for reference, in case anyone wants to see the precise commands used, etc. It is pretty straightforward, fortunately, but does take a few minutes for all the steps to proceed.


I hope this info might be of some use to someone else in the future.

Tim Chipman
Fortech I.T. Solutions