PXE install


Renowned Member
Dec 21, 2016

Does is exist a good tutorial to get files to put in a PXE server ?

Yes I tried but I encounter an error I can't fix.

# Create PXE bootable Proxmox image including ISO #
# #
# Author: mrballcb @ Proxmox Forum (06-12-2012) #
# Thread: http://forum.proxmox.com/threads/8484-Proxmox-installation-via-PXE-solution?p=55985#post55985 #
# Modified: morph027 @ Proxmox Forum (23-02-2015) to work with 3.4 #
./pve-iso-2-pxe.sh: line 19: pushd: proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-2.iso: Not a directory
Using proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-2.iso...
Mounting iso image...
mount: mnt/: mount failed: Unknown error -1
Failed to mount iso image, aborting.
Last edited:
Did you start it using sudo ?

Yes with or without sudo the error message is the same. I tried to download another proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-2.iso (in case the file is corrupt) but no luck.

I can't mount the proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-2.iso even outside the script.

Can someone post somewhere the files ready to use ?
Hm, works for me...

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/morph027/pve-iso-2-pxe
Cloning into 'pve-iso-2-pxe'...
remote: Counting objects: 41, done.
remote: Total 41 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 41
Unpacking objects: 100% (41/41), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd pve-iso-2-pxe/
$ cp ~/Downloads/proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-2.iso .
$ sudo ./pve-iso-2-pxe.sh .
[sudo] password for ########:

# Create PXE bootable Proxmox image including ISO                                                       #
#                                                                                                       #
# Author: mrballcb @ Proxmox Forum (06-12-2012)                                                         #
# Thread: http://forum.proxmox.com/threads/8484-Proxmox-installation-via-PXE-solution?p=55985#post55985 #
# Modified: morph027 @ Proxmox Forum (23-02-2015) to work with 3.4                                      #

Using proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-2.iso...
Mounting iso image...
copying kernel...
copying initrd...
Unmounted iso, extracting contents of initrd...
Added iso, creating and compressing the new initrd...
/tmp/pve-iso-2-pxe/pxeboot /tmp/pve-iso-2-pxe /tmp/pve-iso-2-pxe
Cleaning up temp files...
Done! Look in /tmp/pve-iso-2-pxe/pxeboot for pxeboot files.
/tmp/pve-iso-2-pxe /tmp/pve-iso-2-pxe
It seems that it's impossible to mount proxmox iso inside a lxc container. I could use the script on a debian host machine.

Yes, you cannot mount stuff due to security limitations. Best to use KVM-based virtualization for any kind of mount-stuff - also dab for creating updated/new lxc templates does not work inside of lxc (at least in the past)
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