pvedaemon crashed and wont start

I have no idea why you get those errors - looks like some storage is not online?
The node only have 1 Ceph and 1 NFS shared storage. Both working as far as i can tell. VMs stored on Ceph are still running on the node. I can access the NFS share in /mnt/pve and see all the files. So storages are definitely working.
I interrupted the upgrade and ran dpkg --configure -a but it keeps getting stuck in lxc-pve setup. I also saw new message:
"WARNING: lvmetad is running but disabled. Restart lvmetad before enabling it!"
Any clue?
configure normally runs the postinst script, and for lxc-pve this is /var/lib/dpkg/info/lxc-pve.postinst.
But I cannot see what is wrong there. Any hint in /var/log/dpkg.log?
Nothing in dpkg.log.

Strangely like Ovidiu mine also started working this morning on its own. But as soon as pvedaemon started all VMs on the node had severe lag issue. So i had to force reboot the node. Now the node working just fine.
No doubt the issue is directly related to LXC. I will not be running LXC on populate node for a next while till we know it works fully. But will continue try to run it on empty node.

Has this patch made available in enterprise subscription?