[SOLVED] PVE7to8 warning


Apr 13, 2021
On my test system I ran PVE7to8 and got this warning on my only LXC vm

WARN: CT 102 - volume 'vm_images:102/vm-102-disk-1.raw' (in config) - storage does not have content type 'rootdir' configured. WARN: Proxmox VE enforces stricter content type checks since 7.0. The guests above might not work until the storage configuration is fixed.
Here is my LXC configuration

root@pvesm1:/etc/pve/lxc# cat 102.conf arch: amd64 cores: 1 hostname: nas2 memory: 2048 net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=66:6C:7C:C1:B6:B7,ip=,type=veth ostype: debian rootfs: vm_images:102/vm-102-disk-1.raw,size=8G swap: 2048 unprivileged: 1

what do I need to change to fix this warning, or just ignore it?
The more intersting part would be your storage config: cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
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On my test system I ran PVE7to8 and got this warning on my only LXC vm

WARN: CT 102 - volume 'vm_images:102/vm-102-disk-1.raw' (in config) - storage does not have content type 'rootdir' configured. WARN: Proxmox VE enforces stricter content type checks since 7.0. The guests above might not work until the storage configuration is fixed.
Here is my LXC configuration

root@pvesm1:/etc/pve/lxc# cat 102.conf arch: amd64 cores: 1 hostname: nas2 memory: 2048 net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=66:6C:7C:C1:B6:B7,ip=,type=veth ostype: debian rootfs: vm_images:102/vm-102-disk-1.raw,size=8G swap: 2048 unprivileged: 1

what do I need to change to fix this warning, or just ignore it?
As @Dunuin suggested, check your storage configuration. The storage vm_images might be missing a content rootdir, which must be present for storages which should allow to store containers on them. You can add this by editing the contents of the storage itself via the WebUI (recommended) or by editing it in the storage config, accordingly.
As @Dunuin suggested, check your storage configuration. The storage vm_images might be missing a content rootdir, which must be present for storages which should allow to store containers on them. You can add this by editing the contents of the storage itself via the WebUI (recommended) or by editing it in the storage config, accordingly.
That was it, thanks

dir: vm_images path /tank/vm_images/ content images prune-backups keep-all=1 shared 1

changed to

dir: vm_images path /tank/vm_images/ content rootdir,images prune-backups keep-all=1 shared 1
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