[SOLVED] PVE6 Cluster - http proxy does not get distributed to nodes

Mar 1, 2018
I have set up a PVE6 three node cluster and configured a http proxy server in the GUI. This change was visible in /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg on all of the nodes.
Unfortunately only one node was able to update using apt - there I found the proxy config in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/76pveproxy. On the other two nodes there was only the default comment in this file, saying that there is no proxy config.
What can I do to make PVE apply the proxy config to all of the nodes?
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You need to trigger an API package database update to ensure the apt proxy configuration is created on all nodes.
You can do this in the Webinterface, Node -> Updates, there click on the Refresh button.
Do this on all remaining nodes.
Thanks, this did the trick. I only tested with apt update in the shell and not in the GUI.
Aster you triggered the update at least once per node through the GUI (or API directly) it should also work from the shell, at least as long as the proxy settings stay the same.