I have 4 nodes running Proxmox VE 5.4-10 (only one kernel update behind but will be remedied soon).
When I run the pve5to6 tool I see these two FAILures:
Taking point 1, I checked /etc/pve/corosync.conf and it indeed has hostnames for the "ring0_addr" entries instead of IP's. I have gone through the Proxmox documentation and it says it's recommended to have IP's.
So to change this, it's my understanding I need to do the following:
a) edit the /etc/pve/corosync.conf file (the cluster version)
b) change "ring0_addr" for each entry in the nodelist stanza, to change it from hostname to IP
c) increment the "config_version" in the totem stanza.
d) save the file
corosync should then copy this cluster version (/etc/pve/corosync.conf) to the local version (/etc/corosync/corosync.conf) by itself ? or do I need to restart corosync ?
Taking point 2, I see I have to follow this procedure:
Are there any problems people have found with going through this corosync v3 process or smooth as silk?
Lastly, after pve5to6 passes everything, it should be OK to go through:
yes? (beyond this scope I will of course make sure backups etc are all present and other things like ZFS snapshots etc won't get in the way).
Thank you.
I have 4 nodes running Proxmox VE 5.4-10 (only one kernel update behind but will be remedied soon).
When I run the pve5to6 tool I see these two FAILures:
FAIL: ring0_addr 'node1' of node 'node1' is not an IP address, consider replacing it with the currently res
olved IP address.
FAIL: ring0_addr 'node2' of node 'node2' is not an IP address, consider replacing it with the currently res
olved IP address.
FAIL: ring0_addr 'node3' of node 'node3' is not an IP address, consider replacing it with the currently res
olved IP address.
FAIL: ring0_addr 'node4' of node 'node4' is not an IP address, consider replacing it with the currently res
olved IP address.
FAIL: corosync 2.x installed, cluster-wide upgrade to 3.x needed!
Taking point 1, I checked /etc/pve/corosync.conf and it indeed has hostnames for the "ring0_addr" entries instead of IP's. I have gone through the Proxmox documentation and it says it's recommended to have IP's.
So to change this, it's my understanding I need to do the following:
a) edit the /etc/pve/corosync.conf file (the cluster version)
b) change "ring0_addr" for each entry in the nodelist stanza, to change it from hostname to IP
c) increment the "config_version" in the totem stanza.
d) save the file
corosync should then copy this cluster version (/etc/pve/corosync.conf) to the local version (/etc/corosync/corosync.conf) by itself ? or do I need to restart corosync ?
Taking point 2, I see I have to follow this procedure:
Are there any problems people have found with going through this corosync v3 process or smooth as silk?
Lastly, after pve5to6 passes everything, it should be OK to go through:
yes? (beyond this scope I will of course make sure backups etc are all present and other things like ZFS snapshots etc won't get in the way).
Thank you.