pve5to6 fails with "Unsupported SSH Cipher configured for root in /root/.ssh/config: 3des"


New Member
Sep 20, 2019
We are getting ready to upgrade our Proxmox nodes and as a first step we are running the pve5to6 command. The only failure reported is "Unsupported SSH Cipher configured for root in /root/.ssh/config: 3des".

I have been searching for the right way to resolve this issue, but instead I've seen many different ways to address it not knowing which one to apply.

Since I am fairly new to this, I want to make sure to address this the best way and am looking for help with that.

Thanks in advance!


You must edit the /root/.ssh/config and remove any string witch have "3des". Then run again pve5to6. Could be other error like this if I remember (serpent ...).

Good luck/ Bafta !

Thanks for the suggestion. Immediately after this post, I edited the /root/.ssh/config (after creating a backup) and head to remove the 3des and arcfour entries in the Cipher line. I re-ran the pve5to6 and it appears I am ready to perform the upgrade.

Thanks again!
The reason for this is that 3DES is not considered secure enough anymore. Consider statements from NIST or OpenSSL, for example.